Here you will find some info about my DCC-system. Its under development.
News in 2024: I am now using DCC-EX on my layout, check out: DCC-EX and Platelayer - PlateLayer by Svein-Martin Holt
I stil use the NCE PowerCab also:

Image from
Type of system: NCE PowerCab, with the USB Interface.
Powersupply used: 12v, 10A Switched mode. Car bulbs used in the powerline to limit the current.
Software: JMRI to run trains and to control the turnouts. Will build CTC-panels for the computer. Check out the CTC-panel.
WiFi Throttle: iPhone WiThrottle and Android EngineDriver.
At home I have my own wireless network, where the PC and phones can connect, when we use the same system on exhibitions with my Silver Creek Zmod Module, we use a standalone wireless router to create our own wireless network.
Decoders, turnouts: Digitrax DS52.
For decoders in the engines from AZL and MicroTrains, I use different types, like:
Digitrax DZ123Z0, TCS Z2, TCS MZA4 and ESU LokSound micro V3.5.
For engines from Märklin I have a few Velmo decoders that I plan to use.
On the reverse loops I use the Digitrax AR1.