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My hometown Drammen


Hi, I am PlateLayer.

What's that, you may think? I have for many years been interested in railroads and to build my own model railroad. That's why I selected platelayer as my name.

Here is what I found in the dictionary:

platelayer: a workman who lays and repairs railroad.

My real name is Svein-Martin Holt and I live in Drammen, Norway. I have been married to Torunn for more than 40 years. We have 3 great adult children, Therese, Svein-Jørgen and Eivind.

One of my hobbies are ModelRailroad and modeling in Z-scale. I also love to travel, specially if I can stand along a track and watch some trains....
Watching trains and building modelrailroads, give me also the possibility to do another hobby, photographing, both stills and video. You will see some of the results here on this site.
From August 2015 I work as a teacher on Åssiden Videregående skole in computers and electronics.
From 2008, until 2015, I worked in the company Evcon AS in Drammen, with Facility Management Software, as a support- and training-manager. Before that I worked in Norconsult Informasjonssystemer AS in Sandvika for 14 years, with the CAD-system MicroStation, doing marketing, demonstrations, sales and support.
In my sparetime I have been the technical manager in Radio Filadelfia, a local radiostation in my hometown Drammen, for more than 30 years. We have been on-air since 1984. From 2005 I have also been editor and general manager for the radio station. Radio Filadelfia is owned and operated by the Pentacostal Church, Filadelfiamenigheten, in Drammen. We are sending 65 hours every week, and about 100.000 people can hear the station. With the radio we want to share the message of salvation in Christ, to the people in the area where we broadcast. The radiostation was closed down in april 2015, giving me some more sparetime to use on other activities.