There are a lot of shields and different boards available for Arduino, but I want to develop my own PC boards, one shield for the Arduino Uno/Mega and another board for an Arduino UNO.
The main Arduino Mega with the revision 1.0 PCB with the MP3 player, resistors and connectors. Only a few test LED's is connected.The PCB can be used both on Arduino Mega and Arduino UNO.
Both boards have a DFPlayer Mp3 Mini on board in addition to some resistores and connectors. To develop the boards, I used the Fritzing Schema and PCB Layout program, an easy to use solution, that gives what I need for this small PC boards. There are a lot of other solutions available, but for now I use the Fritzing solution. With this solution you can create the Breadboard, the Schematics and the PCB-layout. It's also possible to fabricate the PCB. I used only the fabricate part for checking of my Gerberfiles created with the PCB-layout part.
I found another fast and cheap vendor in China, PCBWay, high quality, very cheap, 24 hours production time for prototype PCB's.
10 PCB's by max size 100x100 mm for $5 + shipping. With DHL and $22 in freight cost, and I had 2 different PCB's, 10 pieces of each, in less than 4 days for $34. And the product was also excellent, just as I ordered it. I will use them again for new PCB's.
The PCB's directly from PCBWay in China.
The PCB for the Mega and Uno
The Breadboard, Schema and PCB layout created using Fritzing.
The Breadboard created using Fritzing.
The PCB created using Fritzing.
The Schema created using Fritzing.