Posts in Category: Z-scale

Z-weekend 2018

In the weekend of 17. nov 2018, Karl Sinn, Torsja Moskaug, Svein-Martin Holt and Hans Riddervold exhibited the following layouts: Needle Eye, Silver Creek, East and West of Caliente and Moffat East Portal. The Caliente and Moffat East layout is made by Karl Sinn,

We also have the H0e layout: Urskog-Hølandsbanen present with Christer Ritterberg and Knut Kittelsen.
All images by Svein-Martin Holt,

Check out the image Library:

Altenbeken 2012 Z-Freunde International

In the weekend Mar 30.- Apr. 1, 2012, the Z-Freunde International Train Show was arranged in Altenbeken. A great weekend with much people and a lot of layouts to watch and items to buy.

I was there with my friend Heine Pedersen and we had a great time meeting many old friends and made some new.

On sunday we were on Z-scale Operation in Löhne, on the US Z Lines OWL Division. Great new experience. Image library from OWL Divison.

Video of the operation can be found here.

I have a few images to share here in the Altenbeken 2012 Image Library.

ZMOD 2010 in Drammen, Norway

Check out some images taken by Jürg Rueedi under the ZMOD-show in Drammen, Norway, 18.-19. Sep 2010.

The engines are photographed on my unfinished ZMOD-module Silver Creek, on top of the scratch build trestle. Some good engines in Z-scale made by AZL.

Check out the image library here: Zmod 2010 Image Library

AZL action in Z

The Golden Empire II layout in Oslo, Norway
On Dec 14. 2004, myself and Tor-Jørgen Moskaug were invited home to Hans Henrik Riddervold, the owner of American Z-Line(AZL) in his home in Oslo, Norway, to see some new models.

Check out the images.