Have sanded all the transitions, and primed with first layer of paint today. Must sand over at least one more time and fix the places where there are some errors. The curve toward the ceiling, are not perfectly round in all locations.
I think it's been pretty good, but I'm curious if it will hold or if it will crack in the joints. Have not considered whether I should wallpaper the whole thing with a completely neutral wallpaper that can be painted on.
The question is whether it gets better, it will surely become some joints here, but I'm pretty good doing wallpaper after many years of decorating.
The great advantage of a wallpaper, is that any cracks do not seem so easy. A good paint may be able to be flexible enough and create the same effect?
Front Fascia and color
There will be a front fascia at the ceiling and I'm unsure of the color. Previously I have used and thought of using matt black, but it gets very high contrast. A dark green might try good, but again the high contrast. Have seen a few used more beige and coffee latte color, which is a bit more neutral. The same color will also be used to plant the front desk.
The facility's main lighting will be warm white LED stripes of brightness is good enough, or LED bulbs in halogen shelf. Anyway, I want to be able to create bright sunlight, a bright day in California.